Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We have Stitch Markers!

I made a few stitch markers last night while watching Buffy and Pushing Daisies. Some of them coordinate with my handpainted roving. I *heart* coordinating. Exciting stuff! Here are the stitch markers for your viewing pleasure, for sale at The Roving Ewe!
In other news, I put in an order for dye and blank sock yarn today so watch out sock knitters!

Friday, March 19, 2010

More Fiber!

I made a trip to my fiber shop today and picked up more superwash merino! I'll be ordering blank sock yarn and more dyes tonight. Fun times are ahead!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Welcome to The Roving Ewe!

I don't know if non-spinners will really get the name so I'll explain. Here is what the dictionary has to say:

roving adjective or noun

: not restricted as to location or area of concern

2 : inclined to ramble or stray

3: a slightly twisted roll or strand of textile fibers

And a Ewe is a sheep!

Roving is what I sell and sheep (well, wool really) is what it's made from! I thought it was clever and funny. It's even better with the mascot:

So tell all your fiber friends and watch out for updates! I'll be adding stitch markers soon and I'll be expanding into vegan roving as well as hand dyed yarns by the end of next month. Exciting!